Friday, February 28, 2014

Black Label:Gold Medal

A good friend of mine swears by Black Label. And after asking some of my family’s friends about it, I learned that to drink Black Label is truly an acquired taste. Many of them are brought back to their youth. That’s been the running theme of this blog so far, drinking beer that brings you back to those memories. A close family friend was reminded of unwinding after a long week doing chores in the barn when it was brought out on Christmas Eve this year. It was kind of cool to hear him reminiscing about this beer that he hadn’t seen in over 20 years.

"I'm just a cold beer drinker,
check out the callus on my
pop-top finger," Luke Bryan
Back to Black Label, the beer is made by Carling which is a European company. Carling was originally popular throughout Britain and the British Empire, however, it was purchased by Torontonian E.P. Taylor and grew to be the world’s largest brewing company for a time. Black Label quickly became the first beer to be brewed in a mass international scale. I found this fact to be pretty remarkable considering the fact that I didn’t even know Black Label existed until last year.

To sum up, Black Label, despite its reputation, has won a variety of beer competitions including the Grand Gold Award in 2008 from Monde Selection. So, next time you are out give Black Label a try and experience something new (and, in a way, old).

Fun Fact: The Carling website will list restaurants and bars that carry their products for those interested in drinking Black Label.
Carling Black Label
Class: Pale Lager
Brewer: Molson
Quality: Discount
Alcohol Content: 5%


  1. Adrianna, this post is so interesting. I´ve never noticed the Black Label before, but I will make sure to look for it next time I go to a party. Its also nice that you found out its origins and international market. Cool post.

  2. I remember my dad drinking this beer..and apparently there was some old commercial saying...get me a black label Mabel....I never got it till I was much older and saw a retro commercial on tv one time .....I must admit, I am not much of a beer drinker myself, but I do like a Labatts Blue on occasion or Corona is one of my favs.

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog, Adrianna. And not gonna lie, I went through a huge Carling phase. I was in Scotland/Ireland for a summer a while ago and this is all we bought.
    I'm really intrigued by Black Label; I've never tried it but you just inspired me to!

  4. I have really enjoyed your blog! My step dad loves this beer, so I am glad I got to read more about it. I will have to give it a try now the next time he offers me one. Good stuff Adriana!

  5. This wouldn't be something I'd pick as my first beer choice, but after reading your blog I've changed my mind.
    Next time I'll be going to the LCBO or Beer Store I'll purchase it.
