Friday, February 21, 2014

Steamwhistle: Retro Revival

It’s pretty difficult to discuss “vintage suds” without mentioning craftbeer. Everything about Steamwhistle  is a shout out to a simpler time, from the name, the retro vehicles that proudly display that name, the way they brew their beer with only four ingredients  and the Roundhouse  in which the beer is brewed in, Steamwhistle is committed to tradition.

My first experience with Steamwhistle was before a Blue Jays  game, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has popped into the Steamwhistle Brewery for a free taste test. I really enjoyed the crisp taste, mind you the free part would have me singing anyone’s praises. The most important thing that I noticed about Steamwhistle, besides the quality of the beer, was the feeling I was met with as I walked in the brewery. The staff is super welcoming, passionate and knowledgeable about their product. This kind of attitude in itself is retro in my opinion. It’s hard to find places, let alone businesses, that are this welcoming and treat you like a member of the family as soon as you walk in.

The Steamwhistle label depicts the, you guessed it, steam whistle that signalled the end of the work  day and the start of free and family time. The brewery wanted to remind people to take that break at the end of the day or the end of the weekend to reconnect with one another.
"And if you're drinkin' well, you know
That you're my friend and I say
I think I'll have myself a beer," Reel Big Fish

For many reasons Steamwhistle is a beer with a retro mentality. And it all started with an entertaining and awesome story about perseverance and dedication to quality. You can read more about it here.
Fun Fact: The original name of Steamwhistle was 3 Fired Guys, but the creators thought this had a negative connotation.

Class: Premium Craft
Brewer: Steamwhistle
Quality: Pilsner
Alcohol Content: 5%




  1. Great post Adrianna. I am not a big drinker but I have always had a respect for SteamWhistle. My brother had a friend work for them in the past and all I ever heard about was SteamWhistle. They are great young company that has great morals about business, its consumers and the environment. I am always keeping up with them on social media to see what they do next.

  2. Like Megan, I'm not a huge beer drinker; but I do enjoy Steam Whistle. I have to admit that the first time I tried Steam Whistle, I did so because of the fun bottle shape and retro label. I guess I sometimes judge books by their covers. But, if these little details made someone like me try their product, then Steam Whistle is clearly doing something right. It really helps that their beer tastes great, too. Good choice for your blog, Adrianna!

  3. The first time I tried SteamWhistle was due to the bar I work at in order to know exactly what the beers we sale taste like. I really enjoy this beer and so do many guests who travel throughout the world. I always recommend SteamWhistle to guest who are experiencing Canada for the first time and looking for a great beer. They love it! Great insight Adrianna!

  4. Without a doubt my favourite Canadian beer.
    Great post, I had no idea they only use four ingredients.

  5. Just remembered SteamWhistle calendar. It's a great item for those who don't drink beer but are still interested in the brand)) Great post Adrianna!

  6. Hey Adrianna, cool blog. I love a good old frosty pint of beer. Preferably Canadian brewed beer. I mean, is there anything better!? My favourite beer is Alexander Keith's but without a doubt, SteamWhistle is a close second.

    SteamWhistle: Solid Canadian beer, solid Canadian company.

  7. I love your blog topic, I love all things vintage and beer is certainly included. I have yet to visit Steamwhistle but it is on my list after this post, the photographs and your comments on the welcoming environment. Thanks for the sound advice, background information and link to learn about the story.

  8. I am a newbie when it comes to beer (just started actually trying new types and really enjoying it in the past year). With that being said, I found your beer guide really helpful. I am always so confused with the number of beers and never know what to choose, or what I will actually like. I do love Steamwhistle and really hoping to visit there one day. Thanks for the great advice! (Lexa)

  9. Besides red wine and champagne, I do love beer, and SteamWhistle is the first solid Canadian beer i knew after arrival. Great to know more about this brand and Canadian culture. Thanks Adrianna, just enjoy reading your blog.

  10. Love SteamWhistle! Like you I get them, usually when I go watch a baseball game. I'm really looking forward to using the complementary tickets we received in class to visit the brewery in Toronto. Great pick Adrianna, I think they have a great beer and send out a great message, to remind people to take that break at the end of the day or the end of the weekend to reconnect with one another.

  11. I was hoping you would write a post on SteamWhistle when I first came across your blog! I truly believe this Canadian beer goes above and beyond with their overall message and lifestyle the brand wants its consumers to embrace. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about SteamWhitle both about their product and their overall brand loyalty. Great work!

  12. Ah, of my favourite beers. I agree with Harleen about how this beer goes above and beyond. It was all the good reviews that first promoted me to try the beer and I was not disappointed. Great job so far, Adrianna!

  13. I love reading a woman's insight on beer. I wish I could relate to more of your posts but they all make me want to experiment and try every single one...they also make me very thirsty....
    Steamwhistle makes me proud to be Canadian. I know it sounds lame, but it's truly such a delicious beer. I love it. Whenever I'm at the beer store or LCBO I always pick up my usual Alexander Keith Cider and a couple of Steamwhistles - they always go down smooth. I am so glad you wrote about it.
    Great blog Adrianna!

  14. To be honest, I find Steamwhistle an acquired taste that I haven't quite acquired yet - I find it has a bit too much of an aftertaste but I think we all agree that its marketing and the brand it promotes is incredibly well done. Fantastic post Adrianna!

  15. I have yet to try Steamwhistle, even though it has been mentioned various times in our class this year. This blog has given me a good idea of the marketing involved in making the drink stand out, as well as what I should expect from it when trying it. Thank you!

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